Saturday, June 8, 2013

June update

Since mid-May, the moth activity has been very high. Lots of geometer moths, micromoths, a tiger moth, prominent, some pyralids, and of course, noctuids.  I'm hoping to update the overall "moths seen" list sometime soon.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April update

Although snow and cold weather has returned temporarily, seven moths have been seen so far in the past three weeks.  Two have been Noctuids, two have been Gelechiids, and the others include a Pyralid, Tortricid, and Pter.... (plume moth).  The identified include: Xylena thoracica, Agonopterix alstroemeriana (Poison Hemlock Moth), and Alsophila pometaria (Fall Cankerworm Moth).  The last one is the strangest, but has been seen early in the year in other nearby states (January in Oklahoma, March in North Dakota, etc.)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Moth season 2013 begins

With the first moth sighting (3/15/2013), the season has begun in this area.  More updates soon.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

National Moth Week 2013 announced

The dates for this year's nationwide National Moth Week will be July 20-28, 2013.  At the time of this writing, there are several so-called private events in Colorado. The number and locations of events (including public) should increase in the coming months.  It is hoped that there will be at least one public moth observing site for the Fort Collins - Loveland area, especially on the weekend of May 20-21.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Look back and ahead

While waiting for the return of the moths in the spring, I've made progress on identifying moths from 2012.  Many appear to be associated with the agricultural lands of northeast Colorado.  Plant and grass hosts for much of the larva include alfalfa, sugar beets, wheat, and corn. These moths would therefore represent the prairie lands to the east, rather than the mountainous regions to the west.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

End of the Season

It appears to be the end of the season for this area.  No moths have been seen since since early November; about three weeks ago.

Until they re-appear in springtime, I'll be focusing on the backlog of unidentified moths.  There are several dozen as of this writing, so that should keep me busy.  As they become identified, I'll post them to this site.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Nice Weather, Few Moths

The weather has been well above freezing lately - mostly highs of 60s and lows of 30s/40 - but only a few moths have been seen.  Continuing to check for any late season visitors.

Any sightings from others are welcomed.