Saturday, December 1, 2012

End of the Season

It appears to be the end of the season for this area.  No moths have been seen since since early November; about three weeks ago.

Until they re-appear in springtime, I'll be focusing on the backlog of unidentified moths.  There are several dozen as of this writing, so that should keep me busy.  As they become identified, I'll post them to this site.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Nice Weather, Few Moths

The weather has been well above freezing lately - mostly highs of 60s and lows of 30s/40 - but only a few moths have been seen.  Continuing to check for any late season visitors.

Any sightings from others are welcomed.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Weather Changes

With recent snow - a total of 4" in the past week - the moth sightings have dropped to zero. The last sighting was of a light brown plume moth on Oct. 24th.  The temperatures are to reach the 60's this week during the day, and 40's at night, so maybe there is some hope to see a reemergence.  I'm not familiar with the effect of snow on moth populations, so it will be a learning experience over the coming months.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Website start

Starting this website and blog to share photos and compare notes with other observers.

Resources for moths in Colorado - and their identification - seem hard to come by.  Many appear to be linked with "western" moths, and are perhaps not as familiar and documented as "eastern" moths.

My previous experience has been with "southern" moths.  I had the ability to compare my pictures with three websites showing moths from the same state, as well as another website for a neighboring state.  Between them all, it was easy to match up my pictures with their pictures and make a positive ID.  But I see no likewise source of pictures for moths in Colorado (other than those listed in "Links").  Hopefully this website - together with those - will help others identify moths they come across, and/or photograph.